This page contains details of all Brazil country codes.
The Brazil telephone country code is the number 55. If you want to call Brazil from another country, you can do it dialing the number 55, before the entire telephone number. each country has his owm number to identify this area.
Region | Region code |
Acre | BR-AC |
Alagoas | BR-AL |
Amapa | BR-AP |
Amazonas | BR-AM |
Bahia | BR-BA |
Ceara | BR-CE |
Distrito Federal | BR-DF |
Espirito Santo | BR-ES |
Goias | BR-GO |
Maranhao | BR-MA |
Mato Grosso | BR-MT |
Mato Grosso do Sul | BR-MS |
Minas Gerais | BR-MG |
Para | BR-PA |
Paraiba | BR-PB |
Parana | BR-PR |
Pernambuco | BR-PE |
Piaui | BR-PI |
Rio de Janeiro | BR-RJ |
Rio Grande do Norte | BR-RN |
Rio Grande do Sul | BR-RS |
Rondonia | BR-RO |
Roraima | BR-RR |
Santa Catarina | BR-SC |
Sao Paulo | BR-SP |
Sergipe | BR-SE |
Tocantins | BR-TO |