Country Codes Turkey Turkey Country Codes

This page contains details of all Turkey country codes.

Iso Country Codes of Turkey

Iso Alpha-2
Iso Alpha-3
The two-letter country abbreviation for Turkey is TR, the three-letter code is TUR

International Telephone Code of Turkey


The Turkey telephone country code is the number 90. If you want to call Turkey from another country, you can do it dialing the number 90, before the entire telephone number. each country has his owm number to identify this area.

Fips code of Turkey


TLD of Turkey

Turkey Country specific domain (Top Level Domain) The country-code TLD (Top Level Domain) of Turkey is .tr, for example

Currency of Turkey

Turkey Currency The Turkey currency is the Turkish Lira TRY

Region Iso Codes of Turkey

Region Region code
Adana TR-01
Adiyaman TR-02
Afyonkarahisar TR-03
Agri TR-04
Aksaray TR-68
Amasya TR-05
Ankara TR-06
Antalya TR-07
Ardahan TR-75
Artvin TR-08
Aydin TR-09
Balikesir TR-10
Bartin TR-74
Batman TR-72
Bayburt TR-69
Bilecik TR-11
Bingol TR-12
Bitlis TR-13
Bolu TR-14
Burdur TR-15
Bursa TR-16
Canakkale TR-17
Cankiri TR-18
Corum TR-19
Denizli TR-20
Diyarbakir TR-21
Duzce TR-81
Edirne TR-22
Elazig TR-23
Erzincan TR-24
Erzurum TR-25
Eskisehir TR-26
Gaziantep TR-27
Giresun TR-28
Gumushane TR-29
Hakkari TR-30
Hatay TR-31
Igdir TR-76
Isparta TR-32
Istanbul TR-34
Izmir TR-35
Kahramanmaras TR-46
Karabuk TR-78
Karaman TR-70
Kars TR-36
Kastamonu TR-37
Kayseri TR-38
Kilis TR-79
Kirikkale TR-71
Kirklareli TR-39
Kirsehir TR-40
Kocaeli TR-41
Konya TR-42
Kutahya TR-43
Malatya TR-44
Manisa TR-45
Mardin TR-47
Mersin TR-33
Mugla TR-48
Mus TR-49
Nevsehir TR-50
Nigde TR-51
Ordu TR-52
Osmaniye TR-80
Rize TR-53
Sakarya TR-54
Samsun TR-55
Sanliurfa TR-63
Siirt TR-56
Sinop TR-57
Sirnak TR-73
Sivas TR-58
Tekirdag TR-59
Tokat TR-60
Trabzon TR-61
Tunceli TR-62
Usak TR-64
Van TR-65
Yalova TR-77
Yozgat TR-66
Zonguldak TR-67

Neighbors Countries of Turkey

Here you have the list of countries are in the near of Turkey. In the immediate vicinity of Turkey are the following countries:
